It has really taken off from the bare patch of soil a couple of months ago.
The ants ants are climbing all over the okra plants, but it doesn't seem to be hurting them.
I picked 2 pieces of okra today and should have some more over the weekend. Enough to make my mother try fried okra when she comes up on Tuesday to go to the farmer's market with me and then teach me how to can my cucumbers.
The cucumbers are growing like Kudzu.
I finally had to find something to stake the tomato plants up even higher.
The bean plants are growing like crazy but not really producing much beans.
We've been enjoying basil with dinner almost every evening.
Anybody have a clue what this is? It's been growing next to my basil and I didn't weed it because it looked like it was something. It started flowering a couple of days ago.
The little flower is one that I have sometimes - they are annuals and they come back sometimes the following year from the seeds that fall when they die in the fall. Periwinkle Vinca
ReplyDeleteif you do a search on that it might show you all the different kinds -of which there are a lot - some are blue, but there are also a lot with rose and white colors too. I plant them sometimes in the spring and sometimes by July I have tiny ones coming up from the year before.
I will try the okra but not saying I will like it! Looking forward to going to a real farmers market!
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